Brand’s image is as unique as a Finger-Print. Define yours!


Our Valuable Clients

Leap Towards Progressive Packaging

Supported by innovative digital packaging solutions that help you achieve 3 goals.
Content Protection
Manufacturers & Customers want their products to retain high-grade quality at the time of consumption. The right packaging would protect the packed content & extend its shelf life.
Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is imperative for a brand to grow. A product that incorporates vibrant colours, innovative designs and convenient size-shape can fetch you the ideal customer attention.
Brand Promotion
Visual identity plays a huge role in branding. Long-lasting impressions on customers can shape their perceptions.
STARK PACKMATE is the comprehensive solution for all your packaging needs. We provide originative solutions to help our clients achieve their packaging goals.
Leap Towards Progressive Packaging

Digital Packaging & Branding Solutions


360° Canvas

Turn product packaging into a creative billboard to attract customers with unique shapes & designs.
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Customizable & Unique

Customizable digitally printed labels for product packaging that contours brand image to emanate originality.
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Longer Shelf-Life

A durable & cost-effective packaging solution (Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, etc.)
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10 + Years Of Experience in

Helping Brands Narrate Their Story!

1200 +
Number of Projects
120 +
Happy clients

Client’s Testimonials

Want To Revamp Your Brand’s Packaging?

Know more about our Digital Packaging Solutions.
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